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26-2?. 107. Michael Walsh, Añ lllustrated History of the Popes: Saint Peter to John Paul II, New York- <;t M 1980,5.9. Martln's P'ess, 108. Gary Wills, Papai Sin, New York: Doubleday, 2000, s. 1. 109. Peter de Rosa, Wcars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy, Crown Publishers, 1988, s. 104 110. The Code of Canon Law, red. James Coriden, Thomas Green, Donald Heintschel, New York- Paulist P(tm) 1 no kanon 1364, s. 920. ' U'btness.i985, 111. James Cardinal Gibbons, The Faith of Om Fathers, Rockford, Illinois: TAN, 1980, s. 82. 112. Biblia Tysi¹clecia. Pismo Œwiête Starego i Nowego Testamentu, Poznañ • Warszawa: Pallotinum, 1984 s 8 113. Peter de Rosa, Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of Papacy, Crown Publishers, 1988, s. 24-25. 114. Thomas Bokenkotter, Dynamie Catholicism: A Historical Catechism, New York: Image Books, Doubleday 1992 s. 107. ' 115. Ibid., s. 109-110. 116. J. N. D. Kelly, The Oxford Dictionary of Popes, Oxford University Press, 1986, s. 126-127. 117. Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fali of the Roman Empire, Chicago: William Benton, 1952, t. 2; t. R. Chamberlin, The Bad Popes, New York: Dorset Press, 1969, s. 23-61; Jan Wierusz Kowalski, Poczet Papie¿y, Warszawa: KAW, 1988,5.71-81. 118. New Catholic Encyclopedia, s. v. "Antipopes" Catholic University of America, 1967,1.1, 632. 119. Karl Keating, What Catholics Really Believe-Setting the Record Straight, 1992, s. 112. 120. Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy, Battle Creek, Michigan: Review and Herald, 1888, s. 471: t³um. f Wielki Bój, Warszawa: Znaki Czasu, 1983. 121. Cyt. w: Sherwood Elliot Wirt, Kersten Beckstrom, Topical Encyclopedia of Living Ouotations, Mmneapois, Minnesota, 1982, s. 157. 122. WorldPress Fieview, marzec (1990). 124. Newsweek, 9 paŸdziernik, (1995): 44. 125. San Francisco Chronicie, 12 luty (1929): 1. 126. The Economist, 19 czerwiec (1993): 15. 127. Zob. Dave Hunt, Global Peace, Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House, 1990, s. 267. iinitedStatesCt*' 128. "First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America", artyku³ IV, ustSP • 1958, s. 46. 129. The Plain Truth, styczeñ 1994:29. . Books ^89, s-10""' 130. Penny Lernoux, People ofGod: The Struggle for World Catholicism, New York: Pengu"1 131. Liberty, majlczerwiec (1980): 4. 132. Podczas programu telewizyjnego 20/20 w czasie demokratycznej konwencji w Is the Majority Mora³? Washington D.C.: Review & Herald, 1981, s. 10-11. isn Ralnh Reed, Politically Incorrect, Dallas: Word Incorporated, 1995, s. 16. 351 'jajfi *->-Ju IMO[I, i u\jjv~>- The Gr\reat lantrui'versy, Battle Greek, Michigan: Review and Herald, 1888, s. 445; t³um. polskie: a:ZnaWkiCz:su, T!983,s. 344. 138 Chridai toalitionNe °wsle(er. ,piaŸdziernik (1992): 3-4. unii(tm) LeeMiller, The*; Fimlibe^ty, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1986, s. 4; cyt. w: Clifford Goldstein, The Saving •irtoi8:ldahfl.P;'aciftPresBS.1988,s.59. ]40,r,«9gr.dzieñ (19991): 65. Davi Sav,ge, Turnin^g fiigit: TF³iæ Making of the Rehnguist Court, New York: Wiley and Sons, 1992, s. 116. I43.y.L.fevs18 czerwfiiec(1ll92):: 22. ,44. Tin 20 naj (1991): 40. 145. tyw.Li³erty, listop tad/giidziesñ d 991): 27. 146. Ibid. 147. Potofla,« 23, 3 czeirwieo(200[0): 99- l48.EwiSiedlicka, "Sekt:a czfttoeChristianChurch, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans, 1910, t. 3, s. 91-124. MIM, s. 105-106. 153. Euaiszi Cezarei TheEtolesN0stfcalHistory ofEusebius Pamphilus, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker, 1988, s. 426. IM.TOBH zAkwinu, SnnmThesJogifa, t. 2, czêœæ II, 11:3. 'foRaHReed w Religiom Nws$ervfce,15 maj H 989): 1; cyt. w. Liberty, listopad/grudzieñ (1992): 14. 156.MitistriesToday, styczeñ/My (199 3): 20. lei v. •s. 28-29. - -.-. H'W|, (ISWUJ. !• White, The Ereat Coatmmsy, Battle Greek, Michigan: Review and Herald, 1888, i- 588; t³um. °). Warszawa: Znaki Czaisu, 1983, s. 455. f: Melady, The Aabasxfadar's Story - The United States and the l/aticanin World Affairs, Huntlnaton: "tor. l nad . m ltoM994,s. 10. 1 transmitovvanviiart^ 170. Washington Post, 26 lipiec (1991). 171. The Los Angeles Times, 28 paŸdziernik (1986). 172.lbid. 173. Charisma, maj (1994). 174. Christianity Today, 6 luty (1995): 46-47. 175. Protestanci i Katolicy Razem: Chrzeœcijañska Misja w Trzecim Tysi¹cleciu, punkt 52-53. 176. The Port/and Catholic Sentinel, 25 wrzesieñ (1992). 177. McCall's, styczeñ (1978), cyt. w: Dave Hunt, A Wotnan Rides the Beast, Eugene, Oregon: Hanrast Ho 178. ClevelandPlain Dealer, 27 marzec (1994): 4-B; cyt. ibid., 391. 179. Peter Kreeft, Fundamenta/s of the Faith: Essays in Christian Apologetics, Ignatius Press, 1988, s 107 180. Christianity Today, 15 lipiec (1996): 63. 181. DaveHunt, A Woman Rides the Beast, Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House, 1994, s. 427. 182. Liberty Alert, styczeñ/luty (1994): 3. 183. Christianity Today, 4 paŸdziernik (1993): 43. 184. Arthur Conan Doyle, List; cyt. w: John Mulholland, Beware Familiar Spirits, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons 1938,s.283. 185. Los Angeles Times, 1 luty (1993). 186. Alson J. Smith, ReligionandtheNewPsychology, Garden City, Louisiana: Doubleday and Company, 1951, s. 174. 187